Whether Or Not It Is Clear To You

Today is Monday, January 24, 2022. I wrote in my journal:

Dear Holy Spirit,

Three weeks ago today, on January 3, 2022, John had CABAG (open-heart, quadruple by-pass surgery).

That feels otherworldly.

We continue to be gobsmacked by the OBVIOUS perfection of the unfolding of all of this.

For example, his first morning […]

Turn Down That Alarm

I was tagged in a Facebook post. Words I had shared had been carried around and then laminated, and framed.


I soooooo needed to hear those words myself right now.


I Surrender

Entry from my journal: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 @ 3:37 am:

Dear Holy Spirit,

I am awake and in the TV room listening to Karen Drucker’s “I Surrender.”

I will surrender to my greatest highest good.

I will release every fear that’s in my way…

and I am grateful every moment of […]

The Radiance of the Outside World

Thought for Today

If you live in the moment with fear, ‘What if this doesn’t work? What if that happens?’, your fear contracts your energy field.

When thusly contracted, the light can’t pour out of you.

Equally important, you are armored and the radiance of the outside world cannot pour in. ~ Aaron


Channeling the Miraculous

The wisdom of all ages and cultures emphasizes the tremendous power our thoughts have over our character and circumstances. ~Liane Cordes

On Christmas Eve I joined a Zoom Interfaith gathering. Jeshua’s message,”You Are the Light That Comes to Transform the Earth,” channeled by Barbara Brodsky, was powerful. Here are a few excerpts:

People have sometimes […]

The Only True Hope

When my eyes fill with wonder and my heart with love or joy, I do not betray my concerns for the world — I nourish my capacity to attend to them.

~ Kristi Nelson, 12-22-2021 Gratefulness.org

I confess to recently having looked into the mirror and noticing a drooping of my jowls, deep crevasses of […]


We are enjoying wonderful weather here on Pine Island. Whether the weather is pleasant or unpleasant, John and I continue to navigate some challenging physical stuff.

John started with planting a mum early November in Michigan’s hard autumn ground. Stepping on the shovel with his right leg, he felt a pop in his low […]

Being of Genuine Service

Tuesday evening while still in the post-overnight-drive malaise, I tried to log on as Zoom host for our Dharma Path class. It said “username / password incorrect” so I tried again. Same thing. Then the foggy thinking took over and I questioned if the link was set up on one of the other accounts. I […]

This Time Tomorrow

For, although it is true that fear and despair can overwhelm us, hope cannot be purchased with the refusal to feel.

~Susan Griffin

“This time tomorrow” drifts through my head like lyrics to a song I am singing but have never heard. An internet search brought a song by that name by The Kinks.


How to Change our Past

Perhaps it is busy mind preparing for our seasonal move south, or maybe the Beaver Moon (named for the November moon because of how the beavers prepare for winter), but I am wide awake and have fingers on the keyboard. While darkness drapes the sky, I am listening to an amazing Lion’s Roar interview with […]