Stand Wherever I am to be Blessed

Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed. ~ Mary Oliver

As we have nights with no cockroach sightings we began the conversation about how we will know when it is safe for us to stop the vigilant lifestyle of keeping everything in snap tight storage bins or Ziplock bags. As […]

Radical Noticing

How do we see the world as sacred again? By radical noticing. Looking for awe in all of life.

~ Lucy Jones posted on July 12, 2023

Yesterday riding my bike I was inundated by awareness of the propensity to criticism. John’s clothes, the way someone says something, the decadent use of disposable bottles […]

Red and Blue

I love color, and I am also fascinated by shapes. In my next life I might like to study sacred geometry. This image came up when I searched “What color does blue and red make?”

My question about what color you get by mixing red and blue resulted from a recent post-puzzling conversation […]

Mystical Me

“Daily the world grows smaller, leaving understanding the only place where peace can find a home.” — Huston Smith

In 1958, Huston Smith wrote “The Religions of Man”, which has been a standard textbook in college-level comparative religion classes for half a century. In 1991, it was revised and expanded and given the […]