
Affirmations: I do not know what is the truth for you. I know what is mine to know in each moment. I trust in my inner guidance to guide me to what is best for me. I easily forgive and release what is no longer the best for me. Betty Lue’s Loving Reminders

“What do […]

Seesaw and Ups and Downs

I just spoke with a dear friend. She is my sister from another mister. We are soul mates, and we have such sweet sincere respect and love for one another. We were sharing about the privilege of lifting one another up, and being confident we always get our turn. The metaphor that popped into my […]

Dealing with Devastation

Please be extra gentle with yourself during these highly charged, transformative times. We are all so beautifully sensitive to the collective experience – and especially right now.

We are sending our blessings to those in the many places where there are wildfires, floods, and approaching hurricanes. Peace, love, and blessings to all people, all […]

Follow the Energy

Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, way back in the sixth century B.C. said: “You cannot step twice into the same river.” This is because the river is in flux. Perhaps it is also because we are always changing. I certainly was aware of this truth while attending a Level 1 Healing Touch workshop at the VA in […]

Shadow Work

Just as we now have a new address, so my brother-in-love, Jim, also has a new address. Jim was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer this past November. Although a very difficult time, he and his family found gifts tucked inside the days. He passed from this life today about 5:00 am.

I am choosing […]

We Are Moved!

I have had some long days and short nights the past couple of weeks, but we are moved! Here is my poem about all of that I wrote for the last Pine Island Poetry group:

A Week’s Lifetime I. I’ve slept in my bed in this house the last Sunday of my life. The scent […]