Love One Another, No Matter What

It is a wintry day again. For the time being, I have abandoned the riding of my Airdyne in the chilly barn for walking on a treadmill in the warmth of the community room.

My least favorite part of the winter weather is how I brace against it. The whole body tenses up, […]

Up In Smoke

I used to have a “Dinner will be ready when the smoke alarm goes off” refrigerator magnet. This evening the smoke alarm went off here in the tiny house but I was not burning dinner. I was burning a piece of paper in Frankincense and Dragon’s Blood Resin to release an ancient pattern of […]

The Greatest Gift

The holiday season is a time when we do a lot of giving and receiving. One gift I received was enjoying lunch out with Jane Foster. Jane had 22 malignant tumors on her liver when her surgeon closed her up in 1999 and told her he could not keep cutting on her. He said she […]

The Voice of Assurance

Some of us are fond of saying “the devil made me do it” when we’ve done something we’re not too proud of.

We might as well say “the ego made me do it” because the ego is our own personal “devil.”

In God’s Care by Karen Casey

I certainly experienced that devilish […]

Pure, Positive Energy

I am breathing myself into the present moment as I wait further news of the journey of my nephew, David. This morning something happened at the house in Allegan and he may not be staying there after tomorrow. He already has permission to go back to the Mission in Holland where he knows he will […]

For You First

I am not sure who the spiritual teacher was that first told me whatever message you receive for another, realize the message is for you first. That message or lesson or truth also applies to the other, but it is for YOU. Perhaps it was something learned in Ryan Elliott’s L-O-N-G intake form for hypnotherapy. […]

A WonderFULL Week

It has been a truly amazing week. Put yourself in the backseat of my vehicle last Friday as I left Saint Joseph before dawn, and drove to Holland to pick up my nephew. We then drove to Allegan, from Allegan to Grand Rapids, from Grand Rapids back to Holland, from Holland back to Allegan, and […]

Google Maps and 70×7

Tears were right on the surface for me today.

“I know where I was 51 years ago today! Happy birthday to our sweetest darling,” I sent email to our daughter.

“Thanks for keeping me!!!!!” she responded.

I quickly wrote back:

That made me cry….

You were not a planned pregnancy, […]

Divine Connections

Today, I will stop straining to know what I don’t know. To see what I can’t see. To understand what I don’t yet understand. I will trust that being is sufficient, And I will let go of my need to figure things out.

The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie

My heart and […]