Memory Lane and the Yellow Brick Road

Yesterday I was having a bad hair day. I need to get my hair cut soon or decide to let it grow out. It is at that difficult in-between stage, much like our planet.

Suddenly, I had the idea to look at a photo of me taken with my two older sisters when I […]

I Love Her Still

Anālayo, a Buddhist monk, writes, “As long as the constant change inherent in life is not recognized, death is easily perceived as an abrupt end of all that has thus far been experienced as stable and lasting… it is not possible to live properly and fully unless the inevitability of death is accepted as an […]

Agitation and Imagination

Agitation is interesting.

Instead of trying to make it go away, allow it to be fully present, so that you can watch and learn its nature clearly.

~ The DailyTejaniya

It is difficult to recall how long ago now I saw so clearly the futility of speaking about a situation that is […]

Retreat Musings June 12, 2024

Retreat Musings June 12, 2024

Today is the last day of this retreat with Barbara Brodsky and John Orr. I was blessed to stay in the guest quarters at the home of my dear friends, Delcy and Tom Kuhlman.

The title of this week is “Living Our True Nature as Love: Vipassana, […]

Lord, Help Us

Themes seem to emerge into awareness while I am doing things other than looking for themes. Like peeling potatoes for potato salad for today’s Memorial Day meal to be shared with my sister, Janis, and my brother-in-love, Larry. Or while I was out riding my bike and meeting a breed of dog that looks a […]

Anxious Feelings – Power of Presence

I was awake a few times during the night. My friend is in the hospital. She just got home from Florida on Tuesday about dinner time and when I took “Welcome Home” cookies to her about noon on Wednesday, it was obvious she was not in tip-top-shape. This friend had MAJOR back surgery while in […]

From All Sides

I have been working with a habitual habit energy. I’ve been at that place in the process where I could see clearly it was habit energy but I was not yet able to see what was driving it. You cannot see it until you can see it, and you cannot release it until you can […]

Hair Experiences

I almost did not go for an out-of-doors bike ride today because of a threat of rain and a fairly stiff wind, but the newborn leaves making their debut on the trees outside my window moved me. About 7 miles in, and very near home, the three walkers looked a rather odd trio from behind, […]

The Guest House

Today is March 21 and I have absolutely no “excuse” for not having posted on Yellow Brick Road since February 26. Yes, we have had house guests off and on for the past six weeks. Yes, I have been riding up to 20 miles per day on my bike this year rather than the normal […]

Trust Your Own Story

Early Saturday morning I woke up dreaming. I knew the symbols were significant so by the light of the digital watch I keep on the nightstand I wrote in my journal:


Am sliding head-first down a piece of card stock to show a friend she can “trust your own story/writing….”

My scribbled note […]