Snail Mail

Miles are covered one inch at a time.
I believe our birth story (you may have heard tales of your coming into this life) reveals significant threads of your soul purpose—your particular gifts, and your challenges. When I am interviewing a new client I often ask what he or she knows about his or her birth. Some stories are exciting, like “I was born in the back seat of a cab.” Some are frightening: “I was so black my dad thought they were showing him the wrong baby because he thought the baby he was looking at was not Caucasian.” Some birth stories are quite detailed and others are really a question mark, such as with an adoption.
I remember having heard my mom say she had gotten very stressed out by the other women in the labor ward (now there is a term most young mothers will not even recognize) and her labor “stopped.” I am musing about how that might relate to my patience, or lack there of. 

I have been watching this snail on the wall of the carport. I wonder what he (she?) thinks about all day and whether or not it is frustrating to cover the same ground over and over again so slowly one can barely perceive any movement at all. In some ways, that reminds me of the nature of the soul. 
It has been said that the nature of the soul is cyclical. It seems as though we are covering the same ground but we are actually coming around again from a different point. You can see that movement in the revolution of the sun, or the moon, or the seasons. Spring always follows winter…
I have been working for over three weeks to get our first audi onto CD Baby so it will be available through webstores like iTunes and It took me three full days to fill out the application. It seems to be the littlest things that can cause a hang up. I did not remember the password to the new bank account number, so I got locked out of the account and had to wait until business hours the next day. I tried for two days to upload the album cover image. Sorry, I do not know about pixels and resolution. The list goes on and on.
Today, I will be more patient. I will focus on the bigger picture and be grateful for the ability to learn new things. I will appreciate that someone at Google does know how to get my gmail messages to come into my iPhone. Yes, it was working before it wasn’t. 
I will not cry so easily thinking I am a failure because I am having tech-no-logical challenges. I will celebrate the wonderful young woman I met recently who sent a text saying, “You know what? I just noticed I have not pulled in days! And I’ve been in great moods that have literally been putting my other friends in good moods.”
Today I will celebrate that although my mom said her labor stopped, it obviously started again because I am here. Perhaps my gmail will simply start again, too…

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