Power of Choice

Some days are so humbling…. women I know are going through so much. I am not saying men are without their challenges, too, but women I KNOW are going through so much.

Three precious women friends are stepping up to work in businesses created by the men in their lives. Two of the businesses came from fathers, and one from a husband. The stepping up is a result of these men having transitioned into spirit.

The precious woman friend who posted this photo on Facebook is herself a widow, doing a remarkable job raising a child amidst challenging financial circumstances:

I love the truth of these words about difficult circumstances meaning you are in a powerful place of transformation and transmutation. I wondered if there was a difference of meaning between these two states. Transmutation is the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form (or into another species), and transformation is a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.

It seems these women are representative of something that is capable of happening to all beings.

I stumbled onto an interesting webpage listing a timeline on the History of Women’s Rights in America. The first two entries were shocking!

    1769 – The colonies adopt the English system decreeing women cannot own property in their own name or keep their own earnings.

    1777 – All states pass laws which take away women’s right to vote.

Gary Zukav’s were the first words I remember having heard describe authentic power. I hope you will take time to look over the ‘Authentic Power Vocabulary’ from the Seat of the Soul.

Savor these first few definitions from that list and let their energy inspire your own authentic power:

Authentic power is alignment of the personality with the soul (with harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life).

Characteristics of an Authentically Empowered Personality include humbleness, clarity, forgiveness, and love.

Clarity allows you to see the world of physical matter for what it is—a learning environment that is created jointly by the intentions of the souls that share it.

Authentic power evaporates fear.

Co-creation occurs as individuals bring all that each can offer to a joint effort and at the same time, open themselves to a larger, or higher, idea that may not have previously occurred to them….

Women (and men) who are capable of living from authentic power might just hold the keys to the kingdom!

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