Possessed of the Knowledge of Truth

I slept and I dreamed that
life is all joy.
I woke and I saw that
life is all service.
I served and I saw that
service is joy.
~ Kahlil Gibran

Today’s blog was inspired by last evening’s question from a dear friend who is also a faithful reader of Yellow Brick Road. “Related to your pre-election posts, do you mind my asking whom, if you have a preference, do you prefer would win?” I was tempted to cut and paste the section from my journal in Pondering Becoming a Pundit before recognizing the much larger opportunity her question presents.

A sister on the Dharma path is Jewish. She is deeply steeped in Mussar, a spiritual practice that focuses on character traits like truthfulness, generosity, patience, and humility in an effort to help people overcome inner obstacles. At about the same time “Whom do you prefer would win?” was being asked, my friend was sharing with me a practice one rabbi suggested for navigating these times, specifically related to Covid, but for sure inclusive of the election:

1. Develop a relationship with the one above.
2. Pray — using formal prayers or just when you want to communicate.
3. Look for signs of divine intervention.

I have continued to binge watch Rupert Spira on non-duality so I can let go, relax, fall backwards, and sink into, “There is nothing we can say with the mind.”

I spent some time looking up formal prayers in other traditions (similar to the Lord’s Prayer in Christianity). Here are two that really speak to me:

Lakota Prayer

Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.

– Found on: http://www.sapphyr.net/natam/quotes-nativeamerican.htm

Judaism Shema Prayer (in English)

Hear O’ Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One
Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

The most honest answer I can give about whom I would prefer to win is this:

I prefer love to win.
I prefer wisdom to win.
I prefer kindness to win.
I prefer truthfulness to win.
I prefer generosity to win.
I prefer patience to win.
I prefer humility to win.
I prefer service to all beings and harm to none to win.

These traits are the essence of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. They are the essence of you and me. They are the essence of every candidate who runs for any office. I prefer whomever wins the 2020 Presidential election to live and lead from these traits and from their true essence.

Hinduism The First Book of Yoga: The Enduring Influence of the Bhagavad Gita

The unreal has no existence. The Real never ceases to be (never ceases to exist). Men possessed of the knowledge of Truth full know both these.

Meditation for the Day

Constantly claim God’s strength. Once convinced of the right of a course of action, once reasonably sure of God’s guidance, claim that strength now. You can claim all the strength you need to meet any situation. You can claim a new supply when your own supply is exhausted. You have a right to claim it and you should use your right.

~ Twenty-Four Hours a Day, A Spiritual Resource with Practical Applications for Daily Life

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