Nothing is not the Divine

“Lightworkers, you are not politicians,
you are not and it is not up to you
to reveal lies or march in the streets
and point out the wrong things.

The Soul Journey right now says that
you are here to be compassionate
with those who are scared of lies
and diseases
or any other political theme.

You can be there as comfort,
with compassion,
like a lighthouse on a rock.

This is the task!

It’s different from what you might think,
it’s not evangelistic.
It’s not about forcing people
to learn something they don’t want to learn.

Instead, you should sit there,
like the masters you have read,
in silence, with love and peace…
then you will be the healer.

This is how spirituality needs you now.

So you will be the diamond you can be.”

– Kryon
(Iceland Tour Channel #8, Iceland, March 2020)

Today is Good Friday, in Christianity the day that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross. The next day is called Holy Saturday, and then comes Easter Sunday, the third day—a day of resurrection.

Last Sunday at 7:00 am John and I left Pine Island. I have said my claim to fame may become, “I peed in the van from Florida to Michigan during the 2020 pandemic.”

Walking into our home at 8:30 am Monday, after 25 hours on the road, nothing felt like this was a good place to safe shelter. EVERY room was in post-remediation chaos.

Our entire laundry room had to be torn down to the studs, including the wall between the laundry room and our master bedroom. The furnace (new just two years ago) was uninstalled and reinstalled. The house was in chaos. Putting things back together is more complicated because of COVID-19. John had to put on gloves and a mask just to borrow a drill so we could reinstall the shelves in the laundry room and get stuff up off the floor. Returning home after four months under normal conditions is a lot, but current conditions are not normal. Our mail is still in quarantine out in the barn.

Understandably, emotions are easily triggered. A couple of days into it, I had to grab ear buds and sing (badly) along with two-hours of worship music and various chants recorded at last October’s Vipassana retreat. John worked in the yard. Yesterday morning a friend forwarded an amazing hour-long video: “What the Guides say we need to know about COVID-19.”

Medium Paul Selig, a resident of New York City, was away from home leading a workshop when COVID-19 locked his city down. He is fortunate to be safe-sheltering on beautiful Maui, but his dog is in NY, his belongings have been moved into another apartment, and people are dying….

Nothing is not the Divine.
Everything must be re-known as “of the Source.”
You cannot lift the world by low resonance.
You lift yourself; then you lift everything you meet by co-resonance.

A friend expressed concern about her beloved part-time job. I sent a link to the video, asking her to watch it then address her concerns.

This is a great initiation for humanity. Initiations are not fun, much of this is very unpleasant. We cannot control things, we cannot stop this situation, and like a woman in labor or a man on a cross, “The only way out is through.”

Selig’s Guides tell him this is a time when we must be in conversation with the God within. As I was scrubbing water spots from our glass shower doors (which had been left spotless) I felt like Goldilocks, “SOMEONE has been showering in our shower, and they left it a mess.” The stream of triggering thoughts and emotions; inappropriate, disrespectful, unfair, I always get stuck cleaning up other people’s messes, etc.

I hear from my “Guides” that this is not my first rodeo. I am reminded I cleaned 6,000 square feet of space in the former Holistic Alliance as we disbanded the 501-C3. Overwhelming. My guides remind me this is not a time for blame. This is a time to bring beauty everywhere we can. So, I wiped and scrubbed and shined. (FYI – If you have not yet discovered Mr. Clean’s Durafoam Magic Eraser you will want to check them out.)

It is not going to be the way we want it.
We are being given the opportunity to experience a very simple life.
Say, “Yes!” and celebrate.
Be grateful for what you do have.
Care for one another.
Recognize the Divine in this experience.

Our entire house is clean now. Most of it is in order, other than the leaking hot-water heater, and the missing trim in the laundry room. Eventually we will have workers in to rebuild the linen cupboard that had to be torn out because of the mold, but for now, all of the essentials are visibly organized in the clear totes I took our Florida stuff out of.

Selig says, of course, he is devastated and brokenhearted, but he has to hope, “Good is coming from this.”

He says, “Look at every choice you make in fear. You are going to get more of the same. What you damn, damns you back.”

Easter Sunday always follows Good Friday, just as spring always follows winter.

“Behold, I make all things new.”

The new can be reborn.
Changed, not fixed.
Not pretending it is not happening.
Honoring, valuing the supermarket worker and garbage collector.

Paul’s guides suggest you say this mantra:

“I know who I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am free… I am free… I am free.”

He calls this being in the Upper Room.

We can say the same mantra on behalf of those we love or judge or fear: “I know who you are in truth. I know how you serve in truth. You are free… you are free… you are free.”

On the bright side, during our intense putting-things-back-in-order, John found a package of N-95 masks in our barn! Precious, life-saving masks were picked up by our beloved friend, Diana Collins. They are going to Caring Circle (our local hospice). No matter how inconvenient all of this is for us, we are not on the front line, and we have what we truly need.

I know how I serve in truth…

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