Lone Dove

At the end of our Zoom dominoes game last night I asked if anybody knew what was going on with the election results. John said, “Biden won.” I was shocked. Linda clarified that results have not yet been declared because of laws suits.

John’s first comment when I asked him if he was OK with Biden’s being elected: “I can’t do anything about it. All I can do is live my life, be the best person I can be.”

David R. Hawkins said, “Make a gift of your life and lift all… by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift anyone can give.”

I could see in sadness in John’s face and feel his concern as he added, “Biden won’t be president long because his cognition is failing.” He spoke of the good that Trump has achieved as President and gave as example stopping the U.S. giving money to Germany to protect them from Russia while Germany was buying natural gas from Russia instead of buying it from us. I know nothing about that stuff, but I can respect that John does.

I encouraged John to hold a view of humans acting out of positive character.

“If Trump had won there would have been riots in the streets tonight,” he said quietly. I told him it had been surprising and distressing to me that my dharma friends were so unskillful about Trump over the past 4 years. I spoke of it like a teeter-totter, of our taking turns being up in the air.

In the light of day, I see it more as taking turns carrying a burden. We are all working toward a higher vibration on the planet (a better world; John’s ‘America is a great country’), and it is like we are having to ‘tack’ along the way.

Tacking is a sailing term. When the wind is not in your favor, you can still get to your destination. You have to turn your bow toward the wind so that the direction from which the wind blows changes from one side to the other. This maneuver allows progress in the desired direction.

Perhaps President Trump’s winning in 2016, and Joe Biden’s winning in 2020 is humanity’s tacking — the wind blows changing from one side to the other.

Recently Aaron had this to say:

    For the Earth to reach shore, in other words to move into a higher density, to move into a higher consciousness, there is going to have to be a wave or a series of waves. When that wave comes in—picture the water on the ocean, the ocean floor, and the water from the first wave rolling out and the new wave rolling in so they meet at this point. Crash into each other. There’s a contraction there where the outgoing wave meets the incoming wave, and that’s part of what lifts the incoming wave and gives it its height and power to make it all the way up onto the shore. If there is not that contraction, you just float. Bobbing up and down on very little waves that will not carry you to shore.

    The challenges of your present world, while unpleasant and in some cases, deeply concerning, are also part of what is necessary for the shift, the transition to higher consciousness.

    We don’t talk about this as good or bad. We can talk about it as pleasant or unpleasant. But if you choose to make any kind of transition, there’s going to have to be something that blocks you a bit, creates challenges that allow you to move into a higher vibration and move forward, expand outward, and overcome those challenges.

I wrote in my journal this morning: What would you have me know? (my most frequent question!)

V: You can feel your heart open. You know you are holding the intention for our way to a world that is truly in service to all beings and lives from the intention to harm none. Aaron spoke of the least harm. It would not have been kind to have rioting. It would not be kind to deny benefits that this President has brought forth. It is time to transcend any sense that “the means justifies the end” and bring about successes that are undergirded by spiritual values.

What an image this lone dove sitting on the edge of the birdbath with all the fallen leaves made this morning shortly after the sun came up.

    Doves are messengers of God and their message usually is: no matter what is happening, peace will always follow. When doves appear, it is a sign of your innocence and grace. Know and trust that your loved ones are watching you always. Dove totem animal brings peace, joy, and harmony. ~ Dove Totem Meaning

My heart holds the melancholy feeling I had seeing the lone dove; I am unwilling to project this onto my fine feathered friend.

Give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.— Luke 1:79

P.S. When I shared this all with John, because of the dove and the message of peace, he added that President Trump negotiated peace in the Middle East for the first time in decades….

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