In the Stillness

Breaking my own rule, my fingers are on the keyboard as I am listening to Claire Zammit sharing the keys and tools on how to activate and awaken even greater levels of your Feminine Power. As she says, “It might not be linear or logical,” I relate. Hearing her say, “You must find and clear the deep blocks to your connection with your Higher Power,” I have a deep longing for all beings to thrive in this connection.

Earlier this week, I shared Karen Drucker’s “In the Stillness” with a colleague. As we listened, we both felt that coming into alignment.

In The Stillness
Words & Music: Karen Drucker
In the stillness of this moment there is peace, there is peace.
In the stillness of this moment there is peace, there is peace.
And I rest, and trust, and breathe, and know,
that in the stillness of this moment, there is peace.
(There is love, I feel love, I am peace, I am love, I am.)

Zammit describes women who don’t trust life, who don’t value themselves, who don’t feel supported. She says it is not our fault. Her research has discovered how women stepped away from Feminine Power when we took on the masculine power which (1) sets goals (2) creates a plan (3) works hard for what you want. She says we have been brainwashed by this masculine power which says we can do it by ourselves, creating barriers to receive support.

What are your barriers to receiving support? Have you had beliefs that you were weak or unworthy? How will your life work better as you join with others who are standing for each others’ greatness?

In the masculine form of power exist competition, comparison, and conquest.

In the feminine form of power, we gather around one another, and we surrender into the greatness we came into this world to share.

As much as I enjoy the words feminine power, I prefer to recognize it as our authentic power. This power belongs to women and men. Gary Zukav has been encouraging us to remember and live from the authentic power of love for over thirty years.

Open heart
Open to intuition
Wants to heal
Faces fear
Creates authentic power
Spiritually growing
Detached from outcome
Changes inner world

PLEASE WATCH this interview with Oprah and Gary where they talk about each of us having a “mother ship” that guides us. At about 16 minutes into the interview, Gary speaks with a couple who had recently had a twin son live four days. The interview reminded me so much of the precious gift of Ella and I am so grateful to her mom for recognizing her as a soul.

In the stillness of this moment I am love. And so is Ella, so are you….

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