He/She/They Have The Whole World in His/Her/Their Hands

From my journal entry of an exercise during class on mediumship with Barbara Brodsky:

    You need not teach anything, Dear One, just live as your own consciousness evolves. You have been here before — but not exactly!

    Think for a moment about the park you live in now. “Separate” homes are owned and lived in yet you share the streets. Beyond that, you share the sky, the sun, the wind. Even those express with uniqueness in each case. One may be shaded because you face the east or west. EVERYTHING fits into this dynamic.

    You have been dreaming of human existence on Earth without fear of death. You have whiffs of the ripple effects. Yet, not you, nor I, nor THE ALL THAT IS knows exactly what will unfold. Like a storm. Much is known, but nothing is known exactly as it will be.

    Even the cookies that you bake time-after-time using the same ingredients in the precise measurements is subject to distinction.

    Child, what song lifts your heart?

    He’s got the whole world in his hands.

((The song began to play in my mind, including an ad lib verse of he’s got Deep Springs Sangha in his hands.))

    Notice how your thinking mind wants to argue a bit with the word “he.” Your heart does not demand a change in the word. Your heart agrees with the purity of the intention in that word. Notice how some demand a special application of the gender-sensitive pronouns, preferring “they” to “he or she.” Once the heart has opened to its true capacity, none of that will generate reactions.

    You will be present in the presence.

    You will have peace that passes understanding.

    Dear One, another song?

((Peace is flowing like a river, flowing out from you and me. Flowing out into the desert setting all the captives free.))

I had shared a quotation from a film about not asking a person who had lost a loved one how he or she is but to ask instead, “What was your loved one like?” I included a link to the film with a disclaimer, “It was a bit too preachy for my taste.” My daughter commented that probably means she would like it! When my sister commented (asking me to define preachy), I took down the post.

I looked up the definition of preachy: having or revealing a tendency to give moral advice in a tedious or self-righteous way.

Then I looked up proselytizing: the action of attempting to convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.

Somewhere in my bodies I can feel the space of Loving What Is (Byron Katie) and Whatever Arises, Love That (Matt Kahn).

Oh, my…. Byron Katie says there are only three kinds of business, and asks: Whose business are you minding?

Notice when you hurt that you are mentally out of your business.

If you’re not sure, stop and ask, “Mentally, whose business am I in?”

There are only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God’s.

Whose business is it if an earthquake happens? God’s business.

Whose business is it if your neighbor down the street has an ugly lawn? Your neighbor’s business.

Whose business is it if you are angry at your neighbor down the street because he has an ugly lawn? Your business.

Life is simple — it is internal.

Count, in five minute intervals, how many times you are in someone else’s business mentally. Notice when you give uninvited advice or offer your opinion about something (aloud or silently).

Ask yourself: “Am I in their business? Did they ask me for my advice?”

And more importantly, “Can I take the advice I am offering and apply it to my life?”

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