Happy 2020

What a difference a day makes!

You have to appreciate how quickly life changes. One day it rains, the next day the sun is shining. Loved ones are with us in body, and then they are not. Health is here, gone tomorrow, back again the day after.

Each day is significant. The changing of a year is big. Moving into a new decade is HUGE.


I saw a quotation on Facebook attributed to Brad Paisley: Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.

The most important resource offered by a New Year is that blank slate.

If you, like me, appreciate ritual, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are perfect. I saw a webpage titled “3 New Year’s Eve 2019 Rituals To Wrap Up The Decade With A Magical Touch.” These were very complex, heavy-duty rituals…

Some people like to make things difficult. I think life itself offers ample difficulty. My preference is to notice what is easy, kind, and wise.

What is easy about New Years is to realize things do change. If things are pleasant now, cultivate a precious sense of appreciation, and an honest recognition of how tenuous our human experience is. When things are not pleasant, realize no matter how unpleasant, things could be worse. Mostly remember things often get better. A sore throat, a lost job, even a broken heart….

An amazing aspect of anything kind is how it takes into account more than just one view, person, or perspective. In an argument, it is kind to both people when you just stop saying mean things or say you are sorry this has been difficult.

Wise actions draw from more than intelligence. Often I will hear words come out of my mouth that make a difference for someone, sometimes me! This is not something I thought, or knew, or identified as helpful. Wisdom flows into us and through us into the world.

I was thinking how it must be to have been born at the change of a century. For that to have been the case I would have to be now 19 or 119 years old. Neither of those are very appealing, so best to appreciate what is.

Let’s do what we can to receive all the gifts this new day, year, and decade offers.

I hope you will have a very happy and healthy and wholesome new year. Enjoy reading Robert Waldron’s 2020 in View:

Year 2020—The Emperor

2018 was a year focused on Self-renewal through creativity and strength.

2019 was focused on breaking destructive and limiting patterns in your life.

2020 is the year of the EMPEROR.

This is a year to discover and experience your personal form of leadership in life. During the year 2020, you will probably start new projects or move in new directions where you can own your own power and leadership. It is a good time to work on father issues, whether it is your father, you as a father (or father figure), or clearing ways you lead or take care of others or want to be taken care of by others or the world. This is the year to recognize and appreciate the high standards you have set and to live your own truth.

During this year, you will be faced with opportunities to become aware of ways in which you allow yourself to be led or overly-influenced by others in your life to the extent that you shut down your own visioning, doubt your inner direction or fail to do whatever is necessary to manifest the visions which are inside of you. This could cause you to give away even more of your authority in your own life, unless you recognize that the gift of 2020 is the energy and support to change these patterns. Begin to discover your own personal leadership style through the integration of your mind, body and spirit. This year may bring some initial frustration as you experience the limitations of old, time-tested strategies and approaches. Remember, you cannot change an old pattern without first becoming aware of what it is and its impact in your life. Celebrate these awarenesses and use this energy to re-create your life and your world.

The key: Be willing to have expansive vision and put your ideals and visions into form. Use your visions to empower yourself and others.

“I see and I create.”

“I have the confidence and power to manifest my highest visions in practical form for the good of all.” “I have the power and discipline to achieve my highest ambitions.”

2020 is also a year focused on Individuality. True individuality comes from moving out of defensive patterns of withdrawing and dependent relationship with the world and into more assertive patterns. Know your true relationship with the Divine and recognize the strength, guidance and abundance which are yours in that relationship. You can use the energy of this year to transform any defensiveness into being at cause in life. You must see yourself as hard working, a defender of truth, a teacher and an idealist in the quest for a more perfect world. In promoting and supporting improvement for others, you move out of self-consciousness and into more independence, originality and spontaneous creativity.

“I am free to be me.”

“I confidently release the past and free myself to fully, creatively and spontaneously express my unique gifts and talents to a loving and receptive world.”

The primary support tools available in 2020 are:

• The Magician—When you find yourself following others and not clearly visioning, you must communicate your truth
openly and authentically and re-awaken your ability to inspire and motivate others.

“My thought creates.”

“The power of my thought and word magically manifest the creation of Spirit.” “I am a willing channel for the manifestation of Spirit in the world.”

• The Builder of New Worlds—This is the passion for universal well being and freedom from old established ways of doing things. It represents new ideas, concepts and values. Your best work is for some ideal or for the benefit of mankind.

“I know, and all is manifest.”

“I create my ideal world for all through the strength and clarity of my vision and the power which flows through me for its manifestation.”

• The Neutral Mind—This is the mind of service. The neutral mind takes information from the positive mind (all good, what we want, etc) and from the negative mind (the potential problems, fears, avoidances, etc) and chooses based on what is truly in the best interests of everyone involved.
“I serve only the truest call.”

“I set aside all fears and desires coming from myself and others and respond only to support the highest and best for all concerned.”

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