Giraffe Chair

Yesterday while out riding my bike, I found this adorable giraffe chair in someone’s trash. The beauty was complelling, even with patches of dry rot. I pulled the chair out of the trash, moving it carefully to a place of safety until I could get John to bring the van and pick it up.

The giraffe chair is now sitting in the TV room!

As I am working on my birthday post for next week, my friend/teacher/colleague, Betty Lue Lieber posted this Loving Reminder:

I choose to see what is real.
I am open and willing to learn what is really there.
I seek only the highest truth and see with the eyes of Love.
Miracles occur when we see what is real.

January 15, 2020 Loving Reminders- What Is Real! by Betty Lue Lieber

See What Is Real!

What do you see?
We each see and hear what we want to see.
We think the thoughts we have been taught.
We hold the thoughts in our mind and perceive them.

What do you see?
I seek the truth, the Essence
I clear my mind with forgiveness of all pre-judging (prejudice.).
I choose to see what is real.

What do you see?
Are you willing to see?
Do you open your minds to what is there?
Are you caught in the beliefs of your tribe?

When we see with the vision of the world around us, we see what they see.
When we see with the eyes of the child, with wonder and curiosity, we see with openness.
When we see what we can use to get something, we seek how to use others.
When we see what we fear and criticize, we avoid and try to control.

What can you learn?
When you seek to learn, you must be open.
When you seek to learn, you must listen.
When you seek to learn, you must be willing.

This new movie, Hidden Figures, is from my era of open willingness without media.
I saw myself as a high school graduate and college student, with equal opportunity.
This was my world, my loving home, my parenting, my exposure to emancipation.
I was white and sheltered by innocence and seeing everyone as equal in value.

I realize now how I was not raised with prejudice or fear.
I see now how I saw a world clean of fear and doubt, hatred and criticism.
I saw humanity as a large family of love and respect, open-mindedness and kindness.
I recognize how I only saw the equality and beauty and unlimited abilities in all.

What a blessing to know!
What a beauty to see!
What a wonder to learn!
What a joy to be free!

Let’s clear our minds to see what is real!
Loving us all, everyone as One!
Betty Lue

The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.

Something is happening that calls for our most profound awareness and commitment: Some of the individuals most dedicated to love and light are making themselves ill over the conditions in our world. They are turning out their lights because of the darkness they see!

I am not sure who put the beautiful hand-painted giraffe chair in the trash for me to find, but the signature on the back says it was painted by Erica J. Murray.

I looked up the totem meaning of giraffe: Gentle Giraffe, with its long neck reaching into the heavens symbolizes the ability to see the future and obtain things that would normally be out of reach. When your life is chaotic, Giraffe reminds you to keep your head up and avoid getting entangled in needless arguments.

Life is certainly chaotic.

Let’s keep our heads up!

Let’s keep our light shining in the world. That is the most wise and kind thing to do in the darkness.

Thank you, Erica…. Thank you, Gentle Giraffe.

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