Finding Gratitude in Help from the Other Side

“It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.”
This Thanksgiving I am aware of so many families finding gratitude amidst deep emotions: emotions related to loved ones having passed on since last year at this time. For some of us, the transition has been quite recent.
Just yesterday, our beloved Aunt Marge joined all those we love whom are now in spirit. I am remembering so many fun times with her over the years. These photos are of Marge, and her husband, Al, over the span of their years together.

All emotions are said to come from past similar events. My heart has certainly been aware of that as one of our new grand kitties we just met this week has been under the weather. Thor, and Butter (he was named Buttercup when assumed to be a girl) were orphaned when their mom died a couple weeks after they were born. Bottle fed, these sweet fur babies certainly enjoy being with humans.
Here they are with my husband on our arrival to their house on Tuesday. Thor is on his back.

Not wanting to cause alarm, but concerned that Thor’s eye was red and had some discharge, Wednesday evening we called the vet. The office was closed, but Thanksgivingmorning Thor was seen at the 24-hour emergency vet service.
Almost forty-five years ago, we lost a young ginger-colored kitten just a few weeks after she joined our family. It was not immediately clear to me if the concern I felt for Thor was warranted as memories of our previous loss came flooding back in spades.
Those “past similars” related to our emotions are not just limited to kittens. 
I am thankful for the competent care Thor received this morning by compassionate, skillful personal who were spending their Thanksgiving Day taking care of animals in need. I am optimistic Thor will be feeling better tomorrow. For now, I am grateful for an amazing message from Patricia Cota Robles, following the transition of her brother, Jimmy.

On this very special day when we are gathered together to Celebrate Jimmy’s Life, I assure you he is with us. He is flooding each of us with his Love, and he is expressing his deep Gratitude for having all of us in his life.

One of the hardest things about someone leaving as unexpectedly as Jimmy did is that we feel there are things we wanted to say to him, but now we think it is too late. The wonderful thing we are learning from people who have been through NDEs {near death experiences} is that is absolutely NOT TRUE. So let’s just take a moment and from the deepest recesses of our hearts let’s say to Jimmy anything we want to say to him on this very special day.

Please breathe in deeply and go within to the Divinity of your heart. If you feel comfortable doing so, gently close your eyes. In your mind’s eye see that beautiful big man standing before you with his wonderful smile. Now from the silence of your heart, tell him exactly what you want him to know at this time. I promise you, he will hear every single word. (Pause)

Now gently return your consciousness to the room and KNOW that communicating with Jimmy or any of your Loved Ones on the other side is just this easy.

I will do what Patricia suggests. In my mind’s eye, I will imagine Ginger Kitty helping our young Thor recover. I will think of Al welcoming Marge. 
I will breathe deeply and express Thanksgiving for all those on the other side who are sharing love with us here today.

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