“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
These very meaningful words came to me today from a poet and novelist born 4 December 1875. Rainer Maria Rilke is what the world would call long dead, having died 29 December 1926. I agree with the words to the hymn: ask me how I know he lives, he lives within my heart. Today Rilke lives inside my heart.
I have been working on a writing project over the past several weeks. In practical terms, I have not yet hit my stride. The theme of the writing is my traumatic trip to Europe in October 2011. I have known the tale needs to be told, but the telling is not easy, and yesterday I got some harsh feedback about the writing I have done so far. I was told it reads like a travelogue: “I went here. I saw this. I did that.”
“Where is the emotion?” one of my fellow writers asked. “Are you hiding something too painful to look at?”
Most people who know me well, would agree I am no stranger to emotion. I have cried over a shrub carelessly tossed by the side of the road after having been ripped from its home along the side of the driveway, making room to park another car. I have cried myself to sleep over circumstances my ears will never hear of.
It has taken me twenty-seven months to be willing to look at my experience in Europe, put pen to paper, and begin to share it with you. I am thankful that today Letters to a Young Poet give me the courage to face that fire-breathing dragon within. I am grateful to know that this chapter of my history wants only my love….
Flowers growing along the path at the Montsegur Monument. |