Covid – Day 8/9

John will receive Monoclonal Antibody Therapy today.

Stacey recovered sufficiently to drive 2 and 1/2 hours from Smyrna to Cleveland, Tennessee, to be a support for our granddaughter, Courtney, after she and our great-grandson, Jackson, also tested positive for Covid.

Four-generations navigating Covid…. not a claim-to-fame I would have chosen.

At this time the symptoms are less difficult than the energy-leeching vigilance if something is taking a turn for the worse. At day 8-9…. not yet able to go without Tylenol. Overall, I feel less “well” the past two days than I had the previous. That wakens the Nervous Nelly within. Counter-productive to recovery. Perhaps, though, I do feel a smidgen less “unwell” today than yesterday.

John and I were able to do a very tentative yoga session here in the great room yesterday.

And later in the afternoon we walked out back to discover dozens of Monarchs flitting in the field. It is nothing short of a miracle that many of them will make it to Mexico.

Much to be grateful for….

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