Condolences and Congratulations

Lift up your faces,
you have a piercing need
for this bright morning
dawning for you.

~ Maya Angelou

Yesterday’s Yellow Brick Road contained the foundation for today’s: Today 49% of the people will be disappointed. That assumes 51% will be relieved or glad.

While elections have winners and losers, we do not have to be one or the other.

    Daily Word for November 04. 2020


    I am hopeful and positive.

    I begin this day with gratitude. Before I get out of bed, I give thanks. I fill my mind and heart with hope for the coming day and for my future.

    Making a habit of practicing gratitude upon awakening helps me create positivity and hope. Even in the most dire circumstances, I resolve to be hopeful. I look beyond outer circumstances and trust indwelling Spirit to inspire me to find good in the midst of all situations.

    I give myself plentiful reminders that I have reasons for hope. I can make lists of all that I have now as well as things I hope for in the future. Maybe I can enjoy walks outdoors or time spent with optimistic friends. There are always reasons to be hopeful when I stay focused on gratitude.

    Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.—Psalm 33:22

I purposely have not tuned in to any returns yet. I chose to write the post for today before I have any news.

In the 1970’s John and I took Parent Effectiveness Training. P.E.T. was developed by Thomas Gordon. Problem solving was a key component of the program and I still remember clearly one of the teaching stories. A man and woman were arguing, each stating, “I need the car tomorrow.” Well, they only had one car!

The process was to tease out of the seeming impasse the actual need.

He needed to get to his office downtown.

She needed to get to the mall to buy a winter coat for their son while it was on sale, one day only.

Once the needs were stated without the distortion of “It has to be my way,” myriad solutions emerged. He could call a co-worker for a ride; he could take public transportation; she could drop him off. She could ask a friend for a ride; she could take public transportation; she could have someone pick the coat up for her.

One of my favorite NLP exposures is Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within, by Connirae Andreas and Tamara Andreas.

Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg said this is “One of the most important works I have come across in any field, Core Transformation should be adopted as the principal therapy by every therapist in the country, understood and practiced by everyone in the helping and legal professions, as well as parents and teachers. I stand in awe at the simplicity, clarity and directness of a work of such magnitude, and will do all I can to promote it.”

The key was to recognize limitations are truly doorways. One state, often called
“Inner Peace,” “Joy,” “Love,” or “Oneness.”

“Oneness and Being,” the goal of most psycho-spiritual approaches, is no longer a mysterious ideal.

As the results of this election unfold, rather than offer condolences or congratulations to losers or winners, lets experience core transformation.

    Deep Spring Center
    Thought for Today

    “Somebody was talking today about feeling weary of practice. Is there no end to it? There is an end to it. You will find full realization of your true being, full liberation from the cycle of birth and death. All beings will. But meanwhile, consider this. You’re in the situation of somebody with tall weeds growing in their back yard. If you don’t attend to the weeds with some regularity, they’ll take over not only your yard but your neighbor’s yard because the heads will go to seed and fly off in every direction. So here you are doing a wonderful practice of attending to the weeds. Eventually all of this prickly, thorny stuff will dissolve. Truly it will. ”

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