In The Wisdom of No Escape: And the Path of Loving-kindness, Pema Chödrön qutoes Joseph Campbell, writing, “It has been said, quite accurately that the psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” One might wonder what it is that the mystic sees/hears/knows/experiences which leads to the more pleasant conclusion.
Last evening I was Zoom host for The Eden Project when Barbara Brodsky logged on saying Aaron was requesting the use of breakout rooms. I have hosted a lot of Zoom classes for/with Barbara and Aaron, but I have no experience setting up the breakout rooms. I reached out via text to my virtual buddy and I asked out loud of another friend whom Barbara said has a lot of experience with Zoom — neither of them had any experience with the breakout rooms.
The intention to use the breakout rooms remained steady in our hearts and minds. I selected the “allow participants to choose” option. Not successful yet. One of the participants sent a link to a tutorial video, but knew I could not switch to that easily enough to learn while hosting the group. Another participant with some experience was willing to help, so I quickly made him co-host and together (with lots and lots of cooperation and co-creation) the breakout rooms were enjoyed!
I was unable to join the small group because I was the Zoom host. I did not want to leave Barbara without support. Awareness came instantly that spirit had given me the experience prior to the group meeting when I accidentally dropped my Osho Zen Tarot deck, and three cards spilled out.
don’t look outside for what’s inside
The second card is 5 of Clouds Comparison:
all is needed and everything fits together
The third card is Ace of Water Going with the Flow:
everything is happening exactly as it should
When you are a caterpillar, you are already a butterfly and yet it has not manifested….
You live in a world in which you have the power to change things!
Where would you like to be in your awareness one month from now?
How do we awaken the imaginal cells and begin to imagine a world/family/individual in which there is peace? What does it look like, feel like, taste like, smell like?
You cannot think your way in, but you can sing your way, dance your way, or draw your way in.
Begin with asking: “What conditions are necessary for a world of peace — a world without hatred?”
I received a text message:
M: Good afternoon, Miss Debra. If you are not too busy, could you pendle some thing for me? My question is ready.
D: No….There is a bit of a jokester energy present. Does that make sense?
M: A medication was prescribed for one of our guys. It’s pretty heavy duty. I am so not sure whether to start the script.
D: Do you have it with you?
M: I actually haven’t picked it up yet. Probably I’ll go in a little while. Muscle test?
D: Yes! Muscle test. Do you have the script or can you imagine holding it up to your heart?
M: Nothing tangible.
D: Let’s do it with intention.
M: When you asked me if I could imagine holding it up to my heart, I heard that it’s not for me. LOL.
D: Direct your intention. And thank them for clarifying for us. LOL.
M: Yes. LOL. I got “maybe.”
D: Similar here. I actually asked if it would be beneficial, and I heard “maybe.” I asked if it could be harmful, and I heard “maybe.”
M: Yes, that’s how it comes to me.
D: What I am immediately aware of is that we are so oriented to the “right or wrong” instead of realizing that Spirit can work with anything and everything.
M: Ahhhhh….
D: You could not take it out of fear and you are adding fear to your little guy. You could take it out of fear and you are adding fear to your little guy. You could take it out of love and be adding love. You could not take it out of love and be adding love. Make sense?
M: Yes, and then what is my next best step. Maybe sit with it some more.
D: When you find your center of peace, you will act from that. Make that your best step. I am certainly navigating this as well — with all of the medication John is on.
M: Yes, I can feel that. I certainly appreciate your sharing your journey.
Opening the Daily Word this morning, essentially the same message comes through in Colossians 3:14: Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
This is called equanimity in Buddhism: Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. As in,”She accepted both the pleasant and the unpleasant with equanimity.”
Perhaps our true mystic nature is awakening from it’s caterpillar stage. After all, you are already a butterfly….
P.S. Permission to share this from one of the Zoom attendees:
I had an extraordinary experience in our little group. I turned three times and this painting just unfolded in 15 minutes!
Thought of your writings today. Once I’d finished the painting, I looked outside and the trees and the leaves everywhere looked even more vibrant. Wow! It felt like, as we as humans become more awake, all of the flora, fauna, trees etc will flourish!!!

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