
I am still doing morning ‘writing down your soul’ pages. This morning’s entry dealt with my sleeping with a bed hog. From my journal:

This morning as I got up, I again showed John how he pushes me over to a 12-inch slot of bed. I find that very unrestful.

I asked what Holy Spirit would have me know. Would I prefer my bed empty? I answered that I would prefer not to sleep pushed over.

I was then reminded how all of life is connected, and how much I enjoy hearing John’s music, and how much I appreciate the life we have generated. When asked if this sleeping is major or minor, I admitted that it is overall minor, but it feels major when I am trying to sleep.

(Note* In my journal, I use a marginal notation of ‘D:’ for what I am saying and ‘V:’ for what Holy Spirit is saying. Here is the rest of my entry.)

V: OK. What allows you to bring kindness to both of you and have you say, “Honey, please scoot over. I am on the edge.”

D: The desire (choice) to have both of us matter.

V: You see how your sleeping in resentment is not kind to either of you. Saying exactly what you need will allow a new pattern to emerge. Be willing to say it gently over and over until the new pattern is stable.

As I closed my journal, I opened email to read this ‘Thought for Today’ from the Brahma Kumaris:

Your expectation will hold others back.
Your acceptance will let others fly.

As I posted this, and went back to email, my next message was this:

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