
    Deep Spring Center
    Thought for Today

    “I would ask you not to settle
    for anything less than liberation,
    and yet not to hurry toward it,
    but to know that if you practice
    with sincerity, love, and courage,
    it will come.
    May the way be very beautiful for you.
    May you find freedom and peace.”

Aaron’s words slide over my being as smoothly as silk.

We discovered mold under our dishwasher Sunday evening. It has been crawling along the floors.

After mold remediation at the office, mold remediation on Lot 51, and now EXTENSIVE mold remediation happening here, I thought it wise to search for the meaning of mold as totem.

Adaptability in the face of widespread, often destructive changes….

Black Mold helps to keep me humble, and reminds me of the privileges I enjoy, however temporarily.

An incentive to find more eco-friendly options for food, water, shelter, and other resources.

Any species that manages to increase its population due to human influence, rather than becoming endangered or extinct, is at least noteworthy for its adaptability.

It is truly amazing to be aware of the full monty. The full monty (or the full Monty) is a British slang phrase of uncertain origin. It is generally used to mean everything which is necessary, appropriate or possible; the works.

Even while feeling overwhelm, I am aware how easy my life is compared to so many. Along with emotions of dread, trust holds my trembling breast. If this is liberation, it is worth the wait.

One of the Brahma Kumaris inspirations of the day I received this morning says simply:

Repeat after me: My current situation is not my permanent destination.

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