Posted January 31, 2015 in Uncategorized


Recently I read an amazing story about a woman who wanted to visit a site considered sacred to her spiritual path before she died. She was being shown a book of photographs taken by a professional photographer. He told her he had been to the exact place she was speaking of, and had a photo of it in his book. She said if she had been able to see that place, she would surely have died. He opened his book to the page, and as she looked at the photograph, she collapsed onto the book—and died!

You cannot argue with the happening. It is very odd. Notice what your mind makes of the story. Each person will hold the event according to beliefs, but in the same way that clouds change our experience of the sun without affecting the sun, our beliefs do not change the fact: This woman spoke her destiny. What does that mean to you?

No one who has been a follower of my writings for any time at all will be surprised about my sense of there being connections beyond what our conscious minds can comprehend. That said, even the most enlightened of us cannot understand it all, and probably miss most of it. What interests me most, however, is how individuals choose to ignore the evidence.

Our home page now has a section titled “Sacred Stories.” These experiences happened to human beings. Our experiences shape us, and can change our beliefs. That certainly happened to Dr. Saul Shaye, a chiropractor turned spiritual healer.

In his DVD, A Healer’s Odyssey, he shares the progression of his beliefs. He started out believing he had to be physically touching a person to be able to adjust the spine. Then he discovered he did not have to touch; he did not have to be in the same room; he could work through another person (proxy); and he could work with multiple individuals at the same time. He has published a “Little Book of Miracles” as a free e-book, and given away 45,000 copies over the years, as an encouragement to each of us to see possibilities.

Dr Shaye little book of miracles

My own mind has certainly opened over the years. How can something chronic just be gone? What allows change to be quicker than thought possible, or without the necessary steps? Dr. Shaye mentioned a woman who came for a healing from alcohol addiction. The complication was her role as a physician. Not only was she freed from the addiction, but she had absolutely no withdrawal—something she considered medically impossible.

My sister-in-law had tried for years to quit smoking. At her wits end, she prayed to be relieved from the addiction. She even specifically asked to have the craving removed. That has been six years ago….

There is something to all of this.

In Brazil, we met a man who had been unable to walk or talk. He had been diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as ” Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” The medical assessment of ALS is that it is a fatal disease of unknown origin. Watching someone lose their ability to walk, speak, and ultimately breath, is only made worse by knowing the mind remains fully intact. This man had regained his ability to walk (now using a walker), and talk (he sounded like someone who had suffered a stroke). How was it that he was getting better?

Michael, another man we met in Brazil, had been in the hospital with full-blown HIV/AIDS. He, too, had had a complete reversal of symptoms after the healings with John of God. What do you make of that?

When faced with my own medical diagnosis in 2012, I was very conflicted. I did not have confidence even though I know fully that people can heal without surgery. A few months later, I was giving a talk on my book, Stories From My Heart, anecdotal compilations of many of those I have worked with over the past decades. A woman came right out and asked me, if I am a healer, why could I not heal myself, or why could I have not prevented the tumor from developing. I had asked myself those same questions. The conclusion I came to: the surgery was the experience I was to have.

After reading The Little Book of Miracles, I have been thinking about the stories I could tell. For sure, I would mention the man who was scheduled for back surgery. One session. No surgery was needed!

But, what about those for whom remission or cure or relief from symptoms did not occur? What do you make of these situations? Did someone not have the faith? Was I not doing something right?

For sure, when we see limits, we are more limited. I told a friend who has female pattern baldness that Dr. Shaye mentioned having a woman experience hair growth following her healing. My friend’s beliefs changed, and she had a healing of her eyes after she noticed her eyes were working together immediately following a session with me. Her eyes both worked, but they did not work together, so she kept one eye patched. It did not happen overnight, but she was able to give up the patch. I told her if she could give up the eye patch, she could give up the hair fibers she used to fill in her thinning hair. Her response was, “I absolutely can!” Now, that is the attitude….

In the most tender spot of my heart, I just have to say I do not know why things play out the way they do, so I choose to hold my awareness on what I do know. I know of the woman who fell dead when she saw the photo of the sacred space she had always wanted to see before she died. I know the man with ALS was walking and talking again, and the man with AIDS was totally asymptomatic. I know my friend was able to give up the eye patch. Those were all situations believed to be permanent (or even fatal). Enough experiences change beliefs!

I also know the results of my own healing session with Dr. Saul. You can read more about that in my blog.

And I know that my sacred intention is the same as the father who brought his son to Jesus when he cried out, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)


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