Posted February 7, 2016 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Downside to Multitasking

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Humans take pride in our ability to multitask, but neuroscience is showing that our brains are not as good at this as we might think. In fact, multitasking has been shown to depresses the brain’s memory and analytical functions.

In an article titled: Here’s Why You Ignore Everyone When You’re Texting, Dr. […]

Posted November 15, 2015 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Tree Climbing

Debra’s Wellness Tips If you have difficulty remembering where you left your car keys, you may benefit from finding yourself up a tree. Literally! If the weather outside is not fit for tree-climbing, walk a balance beam.

Researchers at the University of North Florida have discovered that proprioceptively dynamic activities can dramatically improve […]