Posted August 30, 2014 in Sacred Stories

What is Real?

Full Moon in Daylight 12-11-2011Full moon in daylight, taken 12/11/2011.

When my Dad died, I wanted to know where he was and if he was OK where he was. I was a Christian, and my dad had not gone to church. He said he believed in “God Almighty” but he did not understand what people got out of taking Holy Communion. The church taught that only someone who believed in Jesus could get to heaven, everyone else would go to hell.

Prayer was like breath to me; I mean to tell you that I prayed about everything. During that stage of my spiritual life, it was as though I was in constant communication with God—and that was just the way I liked it.

So after my dad died, I prayed to God, telling God I wanted to know if he was OK where he was, and I did not just want Him (God) to tell me what I wanted to hear. I wanted God to tell me what was REAL….

At first I did not know what it meant when I would hear a voice talking to me from inside my head as the moon slid behind a cloud or a tree or a building.

I would hear, “Where am I now? It looks like I am gone, but I am here….”

This went on for several days before I realized this was how I was being shown what is real. When someone dies, it looks as though he or she is gone, but my dad was still here.

Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro

November/December 2008

What happens when I die?ice cube melting

Where does an ice cube go in a tub of warm water? You are the cube, God is the water. For a while you seem separate from the water, but eventually you melt – you die – and discover that you, too, are water. Have fun being a cube; just don’t forget that all cubes are water, and everything is God.

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