Posted April 11, 2015 in Sacred Stories

Missing Glove

Claudia - glove and photo
One of her gloves was missing. She searched her car, checked the house, and even called the last home she had been in the previous day asking if she might have left a glove. She distinctly remembered having put both of her gloves, along with her hat, into the basket on the shelf in the coat closet when she came in from work.

When they heard the crash, she and her husband were nowhere near the closet, but when they discovered the basket on the closet floor, there inside it was the missing glove!

She noticed the flag honoring her father’s military service was on that top shelf. Perhaps it was taking up too much room so the basket was not secure? Taking the flag down from the shelf, she placed it with some other items of his she had in the spare bedroom. Turning to leave the room, she heard another CRASH.

The framed photo of her father’s mother and father had just fallen over…. Nothing else on the dresser was disturbed, and she knew immediately she was being communicated with from beyond.

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