Posted June 18, 2016 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

End-over-end ‘rattling’ came from the dryer. She assumed her husband had left a coin in his pocket.

She opened the door: the dryer held only one pair of athletic shorts and two tee-shirts. Nothing with buttons or zippers or snaps to make the noise. She fished the items around, but found no coin.

Then she spotted something shiny, wedged right in to the seam of the drum, where the part that turns meets the part that is stationary.

She reached in and picked up a small silver charm. She turned it over in her hand. It was engraved with her daughter’s name and date-of-birth.


There was no human explanation for how it got in the dryer, but she knew it was from the “grandma’s brag bracelet” worn by her mother.

Her mother’s Celebration of Life was 13 years ago to the day!

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