Tip of a Wish

The idea of a perfect parent, perfect partner, or perfect day makes some people nervous. They think of all the ways things don’t measure up. A headache, a heartache, or an unfulfilled longing seems to stand in the way of perfection.

Imagine for a moment an eternity without sunshine, or rain for that matter. Perfection is organic, not static. This moment is perfect.

Listening to a talk about what karma is and isn’t has me thinking about all of this. Karma is not punishment; it is cause and effect. Whatever we are experiencing at any given moment had its roots in the “past” and it is planting the “future.” This moment is perfect.

Robina Courtin, quoting a Buddhist teacher says it this way, “Everything exists on the tip of a wish.”

To fit with Valentine’s Day, I wrote a wellness tip about hugs:

Hug for Health!
by Debra Basham

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Well, it seems that love and companionship is good for your health. People in love and those with good relationships have lower blood pressure, less depression, and report feeling better over all.

We like to hold hands, get hugs, and make whoopie. In most cases, love and wellness go hand-in-hand.

This week, snuggle up. And it is not just people we love to touch. Petting our pets has health benefits, too.

A dear friend commented, “I am single and have no pets. Does that mean I am destined for depression?” I wrote back telling her to take an I NEED A HUG sign to a busy place and give a blessing (what is called drishti in Hindi) to everyone who stops. I reminded her of Amma, the hugging saint.

The wind is blowing today. I have an opinion it might be a more perfect day if it weren’t quite so windy.

My abdomen is not quite as flat as I might think perfect.

What I do with these thoughts, feelings, and beliefs really does make a difference now and long into the future.

Rollo May said it this way, “If you do not express your own ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself.”

What is on the tip of your wish today?

I wish you a perfect day!

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