Someday When

There are seasons in a marriage. I’ve heard a therapist say, “Every marriage has cause for divorce.” Not every day. But there are those days. ~ Deborah Berecz, Conflict as Catalyst™ Newsletter October 2020

In an email exchange last evening my dear friend who had asked me about any preference for a Presidential candidate wrote, […]


Recently, I included some information about transformation from J. Krishnamurti in my clergy “Insight’s” article.

Transformation is said to occur only when NONE of the following are present:

desire to change the experience judgment analysis justification grasping selfing resisting believing that “I am witnessing”

Since the coronavirus stay-safe-at-home order in March, […]

And There is Room for Everything

Poem by Debra Basham 05-27-2020

“At This Time”

Right now, where you are, are you aware?

Breathe in and feel connection to all you love

Birds fly and view the world from a higher perspective

Fabulous fruits, decadent desserts, marvelous munchies

Mundane made sacred by joy

Sheer silliness, satiating stillness, somber stoicism

All reaches all, […]

It is Never About the Hat

I am so blessed to have beautiful, soulful, women friends. I had lunch with one, Jane Foster, on Friday. Especially after all these years, hearing Jane share her story still touches me. (See Jane Foster’s Story)

Jane was telling me about a custom hat she is having made by a woman out west. The woman’s […]

Thankful for Release

Thanksgiving means different things to different people. This year, I am thankful for more than most.

So many people I love are navigating challenging situations; adult children passing with cancer, living with addictions or with those with addictions, recovering from surgery, and money stress (or lack of money stress). At the root of all […]

A New Home

This morning as I am so grateful for making time to get my fingers on the keyboard as my “to-do-list” grows longer and my time-table grows shorter. I notice how relevant that is to all those who are in their later years. I have lived 67 years, and in this body probably do not have […]


Namasté can be spoken both when greeting another and when taking leave. The spoken word is most often expressed with a slight bow while holding your hands in prayer pose — hands together, fingers pointed up, and pressing your thumbs slightly into the xiphoid process. I love the word, but the meaning behind the word […]

Aphorisms: You Already Know

“In the deep end, every stroke counts.”

“Best not flirt with disaster, lest it decide to commit.”

“Take two opposites, connect the dots, and you have a straight line.”

These are a few of the pithy wisdoms included in Where Epics Fail, an upcoming book of aphorisms from Egyptian-American poet Yahia Lababidi, who also said, […]

Your Yoga!

Health and fitness are just the side-benefits of Hatha Yoga. Classical Hatha Yoga is a powerful system to prepare the system for a “cosmic download” and explore our full potential.

Recently I was smitten by the title of an article by Stephen Cope about yoga: Everything Is Already OK. When I was thirty something, I […]


You cannot always believe what you see…

Working on a yoga video with my friend Kathy Zerler, is a labor of love. We took a shot of her in a great Downward Facing Dog, only to find ourselves critical of the way the back of her shirt was bunched up on the nape of her […]