In a Single Thought

It was mid morning on Thursday. I was on a FaceTime call with a client. The goal of the session revolved around not getting thrown out of balance during crisis times. The desire was to stay grounded even in trying circumstances.

I like to do divination for guidance when I am working with someone to help me stay unattached. Thursday I used Angelic Messenger Cards: A Divination System for Spiritual Discovery, by Meredith L. Young Sowers. Two cards fell out. I made some notes from those two cards and from the Daily Word:

Need for greater calmness and inner peace.
Ask yourself, “Whom will this choice benefit?”
Relinquish struggle and accept the truth of your angelically-inspired perspective.
Move into the perspective of your divine nature.
Claim your highest self and release the needy aspects of your life that mentally hold you prisoner.
Believe more in yourself and your divine guidance
In a single thought I can redirect my attention toward the peace of knowing I am protected.

My phone rang. It was my brother-in-law. I could not figure out how to put the FaceTime call on hold to answer, so the call went to voice mail. “Call me immediately.”

Moments later I was on my way to the hospital where my husband was being taken by ambulance. He had reported having a horrible stomach ache and then he lost consciousness.

The day spent in the hallway of the emergency room (there was no room in the inn) was stressful. About dinner time he was admitted for observation. A few hours later I was driving home without him.

The following day he was to be discharged as soon as he had an echo cardiogram, but ER was so busy again they could not get to him. Mid afternoon we were still waiting. When asked how we were holding up, I gave an honest report. “We are listening to elevator music on the TV, we both have our nose in a book, and we have decided to consider it a voluntary library day.”

About 5:00 they decided to send him home and schedule the echo as a out-patient followup.

Simply put, we could not control the circumstances. We could choose the thoughts and feelings and experience we were having.

We had not wasted our day. We took the late discharge as an opportunity to stop for Thai food on the way home.

I was taught to pay attention in client sessions and consider the message is for me first. That was obviously true last Thursday….

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