Posted July 31, 2016 in Monthly News

Blessings in Disguise

    Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.
    ~ Rabindranath Tagore

August 1, 2000, Joel and I had one of the biggest arguments I had experienced with another human being. It was big enough for us to name it: Parking Lot Number One. This argument took place following the first paid presentation Joel and I did together. The nature of our argument, and every subsequent argument that would take place over the next days and months and years, was fear. Pure and simple: fear. The nature of fear was so deeply buried in my psyche, it would take 16 years to uncover it with enough clarity to love myself anyway.

This morning, I read these words from Neale Donald Walsch:

Nothing is ever as bad as it seems.

There is a benefit and a blessing hidden in the folds of every experience and every outcome. That includes every and any ‘bad’ thing that may be happening to you right now.

Change your perspective. Know that nothing happens ever that is not for your highest good. All that needs to change for you to see this is your definition of ‘Highest Good.’

I totally agree with these words now, but it did not feel like Highest Good while I was navigating the waters of my own shadow side.

One week later, August 8, 2000, we created a ritual of commitment (Parking Lot Number Two) to allow us to feel safe enough to continue working together. Without that intention, each of our fears could have prevented our creating and sharing the body of work we have loving come to refer to as simply SCS.

Over the years, we have revisited, edited, and renewed that ritual of commitment on several occasions, and this year I recognize an even broader perspective to the gifts that have been borne from our collaborative efforts. Self healing is global service.

From the original ritual of commitment:

We also now ask the archangels to transform karma from out past lives and wounds from our childhoods and previous relationships in this life with love and forgiveness, allowing us to know what we need to know consciously so that with this union karma may be satisfied and old wounds healed. We also ask the archangels to help us release at this time all impediments to our joy.

Debra’s intentions from a renewal of the ritual of commitment:

I intend to let go of all grudges, resentments, and painful feelings from my past.

I intend to forgive others for the wrongs I think that they have done to me and to see their behaviors as part of their process.

I intend to forgive myself for those things I consider wrong and to accept them as part of my process and to seek appropriate forgiveness from others.

I intent to stay in the present moment.

I intend to remember that I really am safe.

I intend to experience an ongoing sense of inner peace.

I intend to be relaxed and comfortable staying in my body.

I intend to enjoy what is now.

I intend to be patient with what is coming to be.

Through almost two decades, I have had ample opportunity to practice, to learn, to grow, and to share openly this process of self healing. For all of that, I can honestly say I am profoundly grateful.

This year, as we approach the 16th anniversary of Parking Lot Number Two, I find my heart filled with awe of the truth that our personal lives play out in our collective. My every thought, word, or deed contributes more joy or more fear to the pool of human consciousness. While I fed the ancient patterns of fear and negativity, the dis-ease was not mine alone. As I am healed, the world is healed.

Guri Mehta discovered the window of her car had been smashed in by a thief. Several items, including a pair of sunglasses just purchased that day, and the garage door opener, were missing. As she cleaned the mess, she was initially resentful, but also fearful. Her spiritual practice enabled her to move through the feelings skillfully, and bring her into a sea of compassion not at all of her own making.

She writes: This person probably does not know how it feels to truly receive something. If they did, they would know the joy that an unexpected kindness brings to the heart. They would also know that it would not feel good to receive an unwarranted unkind act like this. You feel grateful for everyone in your life, and for constantly being wrapped in their love. You wonder how you and your society have contributed to this person who feels the need to break a car window to get some change. You forgive them — wholeheartedly. You wonder how you can contribute to a world where no one is lacking for what they really need.

Amazingly, when she got in her car to take it to the shop to have the window repaired, she habitually reached up into the storage bin for her sunglasses. To her utter surprise, her sunglasses were there. They had been returned! You may be blessed to read the entire story in her own words.

Would I wish away even one of the challenging encounters from these 16 years? Not on your life. Too much insight and awareness and grace has been woven into the hurt and healing. From the Zen Osho Tarot # 12 New Vision: “When we come to know from experience that the dark and difficult are needed as much as the light and easy then we begin to have a very different perspective on the world. By allowing all of life’s colors to penetrate us, we become more integrated.”

On Sunday, May 22, 2016, my granddaughter, Courtney, sang Laura Story’s Blessings in church. You can read more about Courtney’s journey in my blog post She Made It! I hope you will follow the link and listen to all of the words of the song.

It is my deep wish that all beings come to the end of suffering. These are the lyrics that speak most clearly from my heart today:

  • What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life
    Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
    What if trials of this life
    The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
    Are your mercies in disguise
  • So in closing, as the next installment of the ritual of commitment, I share with you Peggy Black’s amazing message about self healing as global service:

    Message 84

    Self Healing Global Service

    Everyone is being encouraged to transform their personal fear, personal righteousness, personal prejudice, personal rage and personal judgment.

    Each individual, each human is responsible for the energy that they offer to the collective. Each individual, each human is being required to take their magnificent place in the transformation and unfolding of a better world–a world that knows peace, love and joy.

    You must first have the conscious awareness of any behavior before you can transform that pattern or program. Until that awareness flashes into your conscious mind you are operating on automatic, your ego is in control and is driving your life.

    The “out picturing” of the violence happening around the world is the collective emotional shadow of humanity. Humanity is awakening from a deep slumber, the ego slumber, the pre-patterned and pre-programmed slumber.

    There is tremendous celestial support being offered to the personal and collective consciousness. This celestial support is assisting in the shift to the higher dimensions of freedom and flow–the dimensions in which all are aware “WE ARE ONE”.

    Each human carries an important key in this shift and transformation. Each human has an aspect of the collective shadow and can offer that shadow aspect to the light and transform what is repressed with an aware consciousness through their sacred heart.

    It is your willingness, awareness, and asking for assistance in personal shadow work. It is dedication and diligence in healing, forgiving, and transforming all that has been repressed within the subconscious.

    This is the opportunity of each multidimensional Star-being–to transform their emotions, transform their frequencies and transform their consciousness.

    Each human is either imprinting this field of all possibility with their fear, limiting beliefs and ego manipulation, or they are imprinting this energy field with their love, joy, gratitude and appreciation. Each human is a celestial transformer of emotional energy.

    ©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: subscribe to the FREE 88 messages.
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